While BeagleBone Gurus like Derek Molloy usually run their IDE in a Linux Virtual Box, this solution proved too slow on my early 2008 iMac. So next thing was to look for a toolchain for Eclipse on OS X to compile towards the Linux Debian on the BeagleBone Black.
First finding was the Carlson-Minot toolchain, which worked for a C hello world application. Going to C++, the need for a hard float toolchain turned up. This is due to the Debian distribution provided with the BeagleBone, which requires hard floats, promising execution speed. So I followed this excellent blog entry by Anders Knelson, which resulted in a working C++ hello world application.
Anders is using a toolchain provided by William Markezana, and my Eclipse project is now set up like this:
An Eclipse run configuration is set up so that the executable is automatically copied to the BeagleBone and executed there. This is done by using Target Management RSE (Remote Systems Environment), see installation and setup at Derek Molloy, and then creating an Eclipse C/C++ Remote Application run configuration:
So everything is prepared to delve into more sophisticated applications.
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